Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summer fun

Sophia is the topic of this post. Taken a month ago already, this photo was at the parade. Sophia is talking up a storm, and this week she LOVES "bible cool" She feels so important going into a class everyday. I am, go figure, the craft lady, so our gracious nursery workers play with our little ones, while we work. Jurnee is loving this week too. She is labeled a kindergartener for the first time! So 1200 crafts later, we close up the VBS week on Friday and no more organized activities for us this summer. Just swimming and fun! Oh and I have to get my gift for Natalie finished and also the quilts I am working on! So the tutorial is still coming and so is my progress, just too tired tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Your e-mail for your blog is set to "no reply", so I will catch you here :o)

In Appleton there is a shop, Piece by Piece, on the main road, and then there is Patchwork Sampler, but unfortunately they are closing at the end of September! And finally, right outside of Appleton is Primitive Gatherings in Menasha. P. Gatherings is probably one of the nicest shops in the midwest, nevermind Wisconsin. What is around Steven's Point for shops? My daughter cheered for a team and we have been to your area many times :o)